Tuesday, September 26, 2006

History was created ...................

We have all heard about the famous Theory of Relativity - A milestone in the field of Science......This theory perhaps enabled mankind to think about centuries ahead of the present. For the first time in the history of mankind , a perspective was born that dynamically changed our way of thinking . An amazing fact was established defying all previous beliefs .
"Time" was no longer constant ......it was proved to be a variable .
Omigosh !!!!!
Well thinking casually we can, kind of ,have a feel of it . The span of an hour in one particular situation might seem to be different in another situation. Hard to believe ???? Well thinking profoundly in a poetic manner this might make sense .....
Consider the following cases :-
1. One hour of an exam .....goes very fast !!!!!
2.One hour of wait for a bus ........seems never ending !!!!
Yes friends .......for the first time it was mathematically proved that time is a variable . Einstein changed the very out look of science bringing in forth a totally new concept ....called the Theory of Relativity .
The famous Einstein's equation


Connecting energy with mass and the speed of light is a not just merely an equation .....It is an era .....a massive storehouse of informations...................

It says Energy and mass are interchangeable. The equation E=mc2 shows how to convert between energy units and mass units. Even a small mass can account for a highly significant amount of energy , giving rise to the concept of nuclear and atomic energy .

'c' is the Speed of Light . For the first time it was proved that the speed of light will be the same relative to any observer, independent of the motion of the observer -- thus the fundamental constant of the nature was defined ......" the speed of light ".

Thus Einsteins Theory of relativity is a terrific achievement .......it gave birth to a new a totally new age unheard and unseen before ......The Nuclear Age .


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