Wednesday, December 13, 2006



Global Warming.......i
s a very serious issue that haunts every sensible mind ....Planet earth ..our home is going through a major climatic change . Which gradually can lead to the extinction of life from the surface of the Earth .........Statistics says that the average surface temperature of earth has increased by more than 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1900 and the rate of warming has been nearly three times the century-long average since 1970.

Most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is due to human activities . The primary causes are the increased amounts of Carbondioxide and other greenhouse gases .

A recent article in NewYork times stated that according to "New studies project " the Arctic Ocean could be mostly open water in summer by 2040 — several decades earlier than previously expected — A major consequence of global warming ............

Climate experts say that without major restrictions in greenhouse gas emissions, 21st century could see temperatures rise by 3 to 8 degrees, sharp changes in weather patterns , ice sheets shrink and sea level rise by several feet. And if it goes on this way , all galciers would melt and continents would go under human , no life would walk on the surface of the earth. Isin't it scary ????? But that is where we are heading to ........So lets try to change it with all our means ......lets try to gift a green home to our future generation ..............Lets make an effort to stop pollution in every pssible way..................its our home let us save it ....................


Disintegrating face of the MÕller Ice Shelf The disintegrating face of the Müller Ice Shelf, Lallemand Fjord, Antarctic Peninsula, 67° South, April 2, 1999. This small shelf, fed by glaciers from the Loubet Coast, has been receding recently .

The Larsen Ice Shelf lost a 1200 square mile section early in 2002. Earlier in the 1990's other huge sections of this shelf disintegrated.

Such events definitely will add to sea level.

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Facts about us :

* In 2002 , 5 million people worldwide were newly infected with HIV .....................................................

* North America and Europe are drifting apart at a rate of about 2 cm per year...............

This weeks top excuse for not submitting an assignment :

I have a solar calculator and it was cloudy .............

Math Jokes :

Girl : "Do you love your math more than me?"
Boy : "Of course not, dear - I love you much more."
Girl : "Then prove it!"
Boy : "OK... Let R be the set of all lovable objects..."


Q:What is a dilemma?
A: A lemma that proves two results.


A Mathematician (M) and an Engineer (E) attend a lecture by a Physicist. The topic concerns Kulza-Klein theories involving physical processes that occur in spaces with dimensions of 9, 12 and even higher. M is sitting, clearly enjoying the lecture, while E is frowning and looking generally confused and puzzled. By the end E has a terrible headache. At the end, M comments about the wonderful lecture.
E: "How do you understand this stuff?"
M: "I just visualize the process"
E: "How can you POSSIBLY visualize something that occurs in 9-dimensional space?"
M: "Easy, first visualize it in N-dimensional space, then let N go to 9"

    Biologists think they are biochemists,
    Biochemists think they are Physical Chemists,
    Physical Chemists think they are Physicists,
    Physicists think they are Gods,
    And God thinks he is a Mathematician.