Wednesday, September 27, 2006

  • Zero......................
    the world of emptiness perhaps filled to the core is the origin , the beginnning ....the nothing that gives birth to something .....
    ........... 0-> 1.............

    lets have some fun with it ......................

    Quiz time :::::::

    1. Which no . when divides other numbers ( no matter how big or small) gives something thats termed mathematically undefined ?

  • 2. How much mud is present in a hole of length 10 ft. , width 10 ft. and height
    10 ft. ?

  • 3. Where is zero believed to have got invented ?

  • 4. Give five synonyms of zero ?

  • 5. What is the term used for zero degree latitude ?

  • Answers :

    1. zero
    2. zero
    3. Indian Subcontinent
    4. null , nought, cipher , nil, nonentity .
    5. Equator .

    Fallacy :

    Let x=y=1
    Then x^2 =y^2=x*y=1
    -> x^2=x*y
    -> x^2-y^2 =x*y- y^2
    -> (x+y)(x-y)=y(x-y)
    -> x+y = y
    -> x=0
    -> but our assumption says x=1
    -> thus x=0=1
    -> 0=1


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