Thursday, September 28, 2006

The role played..............
What does an actor have to do with mathematics .....How is Geometry related to a sportsperson ? Apparently no relation .....but actually , there lies a strong connection between Mathematics and any human being......Mathematics is nothing but a tool that helps in building a sense of logic in human mind. It equips it with a power to make decision , power to calculate the pros and cons of any step taken in the path of life. Infact Mathematics helps increase the brain power. It provides nourishment to the human brain , reinvigorates it's potentiality and makes it work in a much sophisticated and efficient manner . So I strongly feel that Mathematics should always be a must -read subject in school ....In fact it must be an integral part of school curriculum......So that children can avail the tool that would help them in grasping their subject of passion , much easily , in future .


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