Thursday, September 28, 2006

1 5 3
5 3 1
3 1 5

Can you see something strange in these numbers ????
Well their addition is always 9 , be it diagonal , horizontal or vertical !!!!!!!!!!

The role played..............
What does an actor have to do with mathematics .....How is Geometry related to a sportsperson ? Apparently no relation .....but actually , there lies a strong connection between Mathematics and any human being......Mathematics is nothing but a tool that helps in building a sense of logic in human mind. It equips it with a power to make decision , power to calculate the pros and cons of any step taken in the path of life. Infact Mathematics helps increase the brain power. It provides nourishment to the human brain , reinvigorates it's potentiality and makes it work in a much sophisticated and efficient manner . So I strongly feel that Mathematics should always be a must -read subject in school ....In fact it must be an integral part of school curriculum......So that children can avail the tool that would help them in grasping their subject of passion , much easily , in future .

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

  • Zero......................
    the world of emptiness perhaps filled to the core is the origin , the beginnning ....the nothing that gives birth to something .....
    ........... 0-> 1.............

    lets have some fun with it ......................

    Quiz time :::::::

    1. Which no . when divides other numbers ( no matter how big or small) gives something thats termed mathematically undefined ?

  • 2. How much mud is present in a hole of length 10 ft. , width 10 ft. and height
    10 ft. ?

  • 3. Where is zero believed to have got invented ?

  • 4. Give five synonyms of zero ?

  • 5. What is the term used for zero degree latitude ?

  • Answers :

    1. zero
    2. zero
    3. Indian Subcontinent
    4. null , nought, cipher , nil, nonentity .
    5. Equator .

    Fallacy :

    Let x=y=1
    Then x^2 =y^2=x*y=1
    -> x^2=x*y
    -> x^2-y^2 =x*y- y^2
    -> (x+y)(x-y)=y(x-y)
    -> x+y = y
    -> x=0
    -> but our assumption says x=1
    -> thus x=0=1
    -> 0=1

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

puzzle of the day :

A , B, C are neighbors living in red, blue and green houses ( not in order !!!!) . They are from 3 different states .....Michigan , Colorado and Arizona ( not in order again !!!!) . A does not live in Green house . The blue house owner is not from Colorado . B lives in the state that starts wih M . Red house owner is not from Arizona . And B has a blue house . Can you find the houses they live in and the states they belong to ???????

History was created ...................

We have all heard about the famous Theory of Relativity - A milestone in the field of Science......This theory perhaps enabled mankind to think about centuries ahead of the present. For the first time in the history of mankind , a perspective was born that dynamically changed our way of thinking . An amazing fact was established defying all previous beliefs .
"Time" was no longer constant was proved to be a variable .
Omigosh !!!!!
Well thinking casually we can, kind of ,have a feel of it . The span of an hour in one particular situation might seem to be different in another situation. Hard to believe ???? Well thinking profoundly in a poetic manner this might make sense .....
Consider the following cases :-
1. One hour of an exam .....goes very fast !!!!!
2.One hour of wait for a bus ........seems never ending !!!!
Yes friends .......for the first time it was mathematically proved that time is a variable . Einstein changed the very out look of science bringing in forth a totally new concept ....called the Theory of Relativity .
The famous Einstein's equation


Connecting energy with mass and the speed of light is a not just merely an equation .....It is an era .....a massive storehouse of informations...................

It says Energy and mass are interchangeable. The equation E=mc2 shows how to convert between energy units and mass units. Even a small mass can account for a highly significant amount of energy , giving rise to the concept of nuclear and atomic energy .

'c' is the Speed of Light . For the first time it was proved that the speed of light will be the same relative to any observer, independent of the motion of the observer -- thus the fundamental constant of the nature was defined ......" the speed of light ".

Thus Einsteins Theory of relativity is a terrific achievement gave birth to a new a totally new age unheard and unseen before ......The Nuclear Age .

Monday, September 25, 2006

Welcome to the world of Mathematics .........A world of absolute fun and frolic dominated by logic and logic only............well its a conglomeration of the abstract , real , irrational , comlex intertwined with each other with building blocks that are just rational.......this world is not visible but it is present in every cell , every nook and corner of the real world we live in . Infact the entire Universe is built on it . Ever since the Big Bang and the formation of the universe ,Mathematics is silently and unassumingly playing one of the most amazing role that one can think of -- making the universe exist . Well , in laypersons terms ...How does the planets determine the total number of circles it need to make around the sun , what should be the apt. interplanetary distance to avoid biggg!!!! collisions , what velocity it has to maintain to keep moving , How many times should the heart pump to maintain balanced blood pressure ........the questions are uncountable......And the answer :MATHEMATICS . Well its all Mathematics....the astonishing and the magnificant Game of Numbers and Logic that is responsible for all these and millions of questions that come in our mind while we think of ourselves........But who is this invisible mathematician ? GOD .......No one knows ..............
Mathematics lie in the core of every science ......We all know that cells are the building blocks of life , atoms are the building blocks of substances and mathematics ? It is the super computer that runs the super program " UNIVERSE " .....Is in't it amazing that despite being such magnificantly powerful , it itself cannot be touched , heard or felt .....but its impact is enormous .....present everywhere yet nowhere .......thats the magical world of mathematics ......we all are intricately embedded in its matrix................and enjoying its marvels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lemme share a known secret with you all . Do you all know that there is no Nobel for Mathematics ......
Six Nobel Prizes are awarded each year, one in each of the following categories:
Conspiciously absent from this list is an award for Mathematics. The reason for this strange omission has been subject of extensive speculations ........Reasons that are given since Mr Alfred Nobel , the famous Swedish Gentleman who created Nobel , are that he didn't care much for mathematics and he did not think of it as a science from which humanity could be benefitted (a chief purpose for creating the Nobel Foundation). Is it not ridiculous ????
In fact Mathematics can be regarded as the base of every other subjects of scientific study .......
I think it's high time for us to recognise the huge role that great mathematicians play in our lives , its time to give them the honor they deserve strongly .......lts time to insert a new category in Nobel .......Mathematics.